Nutrition for MMA: Fueling Your Body for Peak Performance

Optimize your MMA performance with key nutrition tips on pre-training carbs, post-training recovery, and hydration strategies for peak fitness

Ruben Crawford
Ruben Crawford
 min read
August 30, 2024
Ruben Crawford
Ruben Crawford
Minuten Lesezeit
August 30, 2024
Optimize your MMA performance with key nutrition tips on pre-training carbs, post-training recovery, and hydration strategies for peak fitness

In the high-intensity world of MMA, your nutrition is as crucial as your training. As UFC legend Georges St-Pierre wisely states, “Your body is your most important weapon—fuel it right, and it will serve you well.”

A detailed review titled "Nutrition, Supplementation, and Weight Reduction in Combat Sports" by Januszko and Lange (2021) offers key insights into how combat sports athletes, like those in MMA, can optimize their nutrition for both performance and recovery. Here are some of the essential takeaways from the study:

  • Pre-Training Nutrition: Combat sports athletes should focus on consuming complex carbohydrates such as brown rice, oatmeal, or sweet potatoes a few hours before training. These carbohydrates provide sustained energy, which is essential for maintaining endurance throughout rigorous sessions
  • Post-Training Recovery: The study emphasizes the importance of consuming both carbohydrates and proteins after training to replenish glycogen stores and support muscle recovery. For instance, a meal consisting of lean protein like tofu, chicken or fish combined with a high-carb food like a banana is ideal within 30 minutes after your workout.
  • Hydration: Staying hydrated is vital, particularly during weight cuts. The study recommends replacing lost fluids and electrolytes during and after intense sessions to prevent dehydration and maintain peak performance. Drinks with a balanced mix of electrolytes can be beneficial, especially during long training days.

By adhering to these nutritional strategies, MMA athletes can ensure their bodies are well-prepared to handle the demands of both training and competition. Proper nutrition not only enhances performance but also accelerates recovery, allowing fighters to train harder and more effectively.


  • Title: "Nutrition, Supplementation, and Weight Reduction in Combat Sports: A Review"
  • Authors: Januszko, P., Lange, E.
  • Published: 2021 in AIMS Public Health

Ruben Crawford

IMPACT Co-founder & MMA Head Coach, Former MMA fighter with Bellator & #1 in Germany BSc Psychology, MSc Executive Coaching.