Entdecke eine vielfältige Auswahl an Kursen bei Impact Martial Arts. Verbessere deine Fähigkeiten auf vielfältige Weise. Unser Stundenplan zeigt dir alle Optionen. Zögere nicht, uns nach einem spezifischen Probetraining zu fragen, das zu deinem Zeitplan und Interesse passt.
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Im Herzen von Zürich, nur 2 Gehminuten vom Limmatplatz entfernt
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Strengthen your Body in diverse ways. Martial Arts give you Strength, Cardio and Flexibility like a Gym never could.
Our Community is our pride and joy. Egos are left at the door. We trust each other in training and create events and friendships beyond.
Practicing Martial Arts is the most direct way of facing your fears. The confidence that grows let's you tackle your life's challenges with newfound ease.
A great IMPACT starts with yourself. Invest in yourself and you'll affect the people around you in the most positive ways.